Do you remember my story in the Introduction to this short
course about how motivated changed me from a D student in the 4th
grade to an all-A student in the 7th grade? We don’t all have a Miss
Torti in our lives to motivate us to be effective learners, but we all have
something. If you can’t find a source of motivation, make one up. It can change
your life.
In my book for parents and teachers, The Learning Skills Cycle, I made it a point to begin the cycle
with motivation. If motivated to learn, a student not only acquires the
knowledge but, in the process, can become more learning competent as learning
skills develop. As a student realizes that such skills have been acquired,
confidence about the ability to learn grows, and this in turn stimulates more
motivation to learn. This positive feedback cycle does not occur if students do
not acquire learning skills.
The basis of the motivation does not have to be particularly
inspiring or honorable. My physical attraction to Miss Torti certainly lacked
such worthiness. For motivation to give you the drive needed to do all that is
necessary to become a good learner, you must feel compelled and passionate
about the objective.
Bad educational environments and experiences stamp out the
motivation to learn. In my work in consulting with middle-school teachers, I
have found that by that grade level many students have been turned off of
learning. They had too many bad learning experiences in the earlier grades.
This is especially true of the majority of students who have not learned how to
excel in school. Week after week, year after year, ordinary performance kills
their interest in learning. Such students develop defense mechanisms. “Why do I
have to learn this?’ “This book is boring.” “My teacher doesn’t like me.” “I
could make As, but I don’t want to.” “School work is for nerds.” So goes a
litany of excuses.
These problems have always plagued teachers who try to
motivate the under-achievers. In today’s standards-based, high-stakes testing
environment, we have the new problem that a teacher is liable to give an answer
that is equivalent to “You need to learn this to score well on the state
learning achievement tests so that you make your teachers and school look good.”
This, you can be assured, does not do much to motivate students.
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Well, learners, I have shocking news for you. Motivation
that works in learning has to come from inside of you, not from the outside
influence of parents, teachers, school district, or whatever. You are like
horses that can be led to water. Outside influences can't make you drink if you
are not thirsty.
So, how do you make yourself thirsty for effective and
efficient learning? Well, the efficiency goal comes easy. We are all rather
lazy about school work, and thus naturally want our learning to occur with
minimal effort. The effective goal should also come easy, because what is the
point of trying to learn if you aren’t good at it? What is the point of
learning if you don’t remember it?
Beyond such basics, I can list several things that will
motivate you to learn:
The Wonder
of Learning. We live in a universe and world full of natural wonder. Every
academic subject is wondrous to some people. Why not you? You can see the
wonder in every subject (yes, even algebra, if you look for it.).
Babies are fascinated by what they see,
hear, and touch. Watch a baby as a mobile dangle overhead. Exploratory
activities become conspicuously pronounced if the mobile objects are close
enough to be manipulated. Everything a baby encounters is new and astonishing.
Why do we allow ourselves to lose that fascination with the world as we get
older? For some people, the more they learn, the less wondrous the world seems.
Among adults, scientists seem to be an exception (to a biologist, pond scum is
beautiful and wondrous).
The real-world relevance of academic subjects is not always self-evident to
someone learning the subject for the first time. Even if the learner
understands the relevance, the subject may not be relevant for them at the time
they have to learn it. The first step in seeing relevance is to realize that
our lack of knowledge about a subject has put us in a small and narrow world
that blinds us to the relevance. Once we know there is relevance we do not yet
perceive, we have reason to look for it. In other words, we need to try to
identify the relevance of what we need to learn for us. Once we realize how we
might use new information or how it might make us a better or more competent
person, we have reason to learn it. Even if the relevance is limited to the
recognition we would get from successful learning, that in itself can be
sufficient relevance.
and Punishments. We have all been amazed by performance animals that demonstrate
astonishing feats of learning at Sea World, circuses, and similar venues. These
animals learn all sorts of tricks they seemingly have no need to learn. Their
training process is known as “operant conditioning.” They learn under
conditions in which they are punished for failure to learn and rewarded for
successful learning. Direct punishment does not work very well as a motivator.
As used by trainers, punishment occurs in the failure to receive a reward if
the learning objective is not met.
In a typical school environment, grades are
the usual basis for reward and punishment. This is frequently not enough.
Recall that my low grades in the 4th grade did not motivate me to
get better. What worked finally in the 7th grade was seeing Miss
Torti pay attention to me because I was showing improvement. The more I
learned, the more she payed attention to me. The principle here is called
“positive reinforcement.” It means that when we receive a reward, even a small
one, for generating a certain behavior, we are motivated to repeat the
behavior. So, the practical point for students is to construct or find positive
reinforcement for themselves for improving their learning skills and resulting
learning successes. You may not have a Miss Torti to reward you for your
achievements, but you can reward yourself.
and Pride. I think it was back in
the Great Depression that someone coined the expression, “Knowledge is
something nobody can take away from you.” You may have things stolen, you may
lose your job, you may lose out in a competition, but your knowledge is always
yours. And you earned it. You have the powerful sense of ownership. This is the
obvious benefit of projects where the student builds something, like robots or
a science-fair presentation. Even less obvious products, like cursive writing,
are something a student owns in a very personal way, and if it is done well,
can take great pride in. Speaking of cursive, in the first 6 weeks of the 7th
grade, I had to take a penmanship course. I apparently have good hand-eye coordination,
and I readily learned to write well. I took great pride in showing others my
handwriting, because I knew it was really good. That little success may have
had more to do with my 7th grade academic reformation than anything else.
To this day, I still get compliments on my handwriting. It was a great feeling
in the 7th grade, and still feels good every time I look at my
Attitude Adjustment.
No one likes failure. No one likes to feel inferior. Everyone relishes
achievement. Failure should not be an option. However, we make failure an
option by constructing excuses for it. We develop attitudes to explain away our
failures and in the process perpetuate the failures. At some point, when it
dawns on us that our attitude is counter-productive, we realize the value of
adjusting our attitudes to be more positive.
“as if.” Behavior changes attitudes, emotions, and motivation. Conscientious students try to adjust their
attitudes and feelings by force of will—this often fails. A better result,
especially with students who are not all that conscientious, can sometimes
occur with the principle enunciated about 100 years ago by the famous
psychologist William James. He noted that how a person acts can change his or her
own thinking, attitude, and feelings. This is the "as if" principle,
which states that behaving the way one wants to be will help make it so. We
know that mind can sometimes change behavior, but the "as if"
principle says that behavior can change mind.
Self-control. Few things in life are as motivating as when you reach the
point where you are in charge, where you discover that your capacity for
self-control gives you power. Once you discover that you have the power to be a
good learner, you will want to seize the added power that learning gives you in
this world.
Confidence is something you have to earn. As you begin your trek to
effective and efficient learning, small successes will happen. They will build
on each other and give you reason to be more confident. When I made my first A
in a difficult subject, I realized, “Hey, I can do this. I just did. Maybe I am
not as stupid as my former Ds suggested.” Belief in your ability to learn can become
a self-fulfilling prophecy. As confidence slowly grows, you start thinking
about what worked in the learning effort, and you know you can do more of that.
You start to believe that you can learn how to learn.
1. Find what is awesome and wonderful in everything you have
to learn.
2. Identify why or how what you have to learn is relevant to
something in your life.
3. Give yourself little rewards for each successful learning
4. Take ownership of what you learn and be proud of yourself
for knowing it.
5. If your attitude about school or learning is impeding
successful learning, adjust your attitude to be more positive.
6. Act "as if" you are a good learner, and do the
things good learners do.
7. Control yourself. Be the "master of your own
8. Gain confidence from successful learning events. Believe
in yourself.
Next Lesson: Lesson 3. Paying