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Friday, June 07, 2019

Who Is Reading This Blog

I just checked my page views. Recent views are almost exclusively from U.S. and Russia. None from Latin or South America. None from China. What are we to make of that?


  1. I am actually from China and subscribed to your blog for one year. Blogspot (being a Google service) is blocked in China, and that is the reason why you got none from China. For us, we have to use VPN-like technology to visit most foreign websites, which means the IPs won't originate from China.

  2. I check your blog regularly and I'm from Mexico (posting from a Mexican IP address too) so maybe the page views are wrong.

    Obviously most of the views are going to be from an English Speaking country because the blog itself is in English (much more if the blog talks about books published in the US and the U.S education system and politics) most people in Latin american can't read english properly...much less in china.

    I like your blog and ideas Dr Klemm but please don't think that people in those countries are not interested in such topics,it's just that the blog itself is not an easy read for them (because the language and because none of your books have been published in spanish or chinese)


Please contribute your ideas. This blog is all about making learning easier for everyone.