This blog reflects my views on learning and memory. Typically, I write summaries of research reports that have practical application for everyday memory.I will post only when I find a relevant research paper, so don't expect several posts a week. I recommend that you use RSS feed to be notified of each new post. My Web site: Follow on Twitter @wrklemm Copyright, W. R. Klemm, 2005. All rights reserved.
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Tests Produce Learning
A recent experiment by J. D.Karpicke and H. L. Roediger at Washington University in St. Louis, examined the role that retrieval had on the ability to recall that same material after a delay of a week. In the experiment, college students were to learn a list of 40 foreign language vocabulary word pairs, which were manipulated so that the pairs either remained in the list (were repeatedly studied) or were dropped from the list once they were recalled. It is like studying flash cards: one way is to keep studying all the cards over and over again; the other way is to drop out a card from the stack every time you correctly recalled what was on the other side of the card. In the experiment, after a fixed period of study time, students were tested over either the entire list or a partial list of only the pairs that had not been dropped. Four study and test periods alternated back-to-back. Students were also asked to predict how many pairs they would be able to remember a week later, and their predictions were compared with actual results on a final test a week later.
The initial learning took about 3-4 trials to master the list, and was not significantly affected by the strategy used (rehearsing the entire list or dropping items out as they were recalled). On average, the students predicted that they would be able to remember about half of the list on a test that was to be given a week later. However, actual recall a week later varied considerably depending on learning conditions. On the final test, students remembered about 80% of the word pairs if they had been tested on all the word pairs, no matter whether they had been studied multiple times with all of them in the list or if they dropped correctly recalled words from the list in later study trials. However, recall was only about 30% correct when correctly identified words were dropped from subsequent tests, even though all words were studied repeatedly. In other words, it was the repeated testing, not the studying, that was the key factor in successful longer-term memory.
So, what is the practical application? When using flash cards, for example, you need to follow each study session (whether or not you drop cards from the stack because you know them), with a formal test over all the cards. Then, repeat the process several times, with study and test epochs back-to-back. Can we extend this principle of frequent testing to other kinds of learning strategies? Probably. But there are no formal experiments.
Let us speculate on the case of trying to remember names of people at a party. You might study the name of each person by using it in conversation or associating the name with some feature of the person's anatomy or personality. Then, silently quiz yourself, looking at the person and asking yourself to recall the person's name. Then, repeat the study-and-test process several times. You would have to keep number of people low (say four to six), because you may not have many opportunities to hear the name repeated other than your own repeating it in conversation. In most practical learning situations, you will not be given repeat tests immediately after each study session, so you must simulate that with self-tests.
Why does forced recall, as during testing, promote consolidation? It probably relates to other recent discoveries showing that each time something is recalled the memory is re-consolidated. If the same information is consolidated again and again, the memory is presumably reinforced.
The failure of students to predict how well they would remember is consistent with my 40 years experience as a professor. Students are frequently surprised to discover after an examination that they did not know the material as well as they thought they did. Tests not only reveal what you know and don't know, they serve to increase how much you eventually learn. If I were still teaching, I would give more tests. And I would encourage students to use self-testing as a routine learning strategy, something that one study revealed to be a seldom-used strategy. The repeated self-tests should include all the study material and not drop out the material that the student thinks is already mastered.
Source: Karpicke, Jeffrey D., and Roedinger, Henry L. III. 2008. The critical importance of retrieval for learning. Science. 319: 966-968.
Saturday, February 23, 2008
Overtraining: You Can Learn Too Much

Naps may be helpful for learning tasks other than those involving movement (see earlier note on work by Korman et al.).* An early study on the effects of napping had developed a useful texture discrimination task in which a visual display of horizontal bars has superimposed on it a brief display of three diagonal bars, followed by a blank screen, and then by a mask. The interval between the target and the mask is varied and the interval needed to achieve 80% correct responses is used as a measure of perceptual ability and working memory.
After a single training session, performance on this task improves only after subjects have had a normal night's sleep after the day's training. To be effective, a normal amount of dream sleep, which occurs mostly in early morning, is needed.
In a follow up study by another investigator, subject performance unexpectedly deteriorated if they were given 60-minute training sessions four times at regular intervals on the same day. In other words, the more the subjects were trained, the poorer they performed. However, this interference did not occur if subjects were allowed to nap for 30-60 minutes between the second and third sessions.
It is hard to explain why over-training disrupts performance, but one has to suspect that as training trials are repeated the information starts to interfere with memory consolidation, perhaps because of boredom or fatigue in the neural circuits that mediate the learning. Napping must have a restorative function that compensates for the negative effects of overtraining. What all this suggests to me is that memory consolidation would be optimized if learning occurred in short sessions that are repeated but only with intervening naps and on different days with regular night-time sleep. In other words, repeating long study periods in the same day on the same task can be counter-productive. This is yet another reason why students should not cram-study for exams. Learning should be optimized by rehearsing the same learning material on separate days where normal sleep occurred each night.
See my book on what science reveals about improving everyday memory. I also give seminars and workshops.
Maquet, P. et al. 2002. Be caught napping: you're doing more than resting your eyes.Nature Neuroscience. 5 (7); 618-619.
Mednick, Sara, et al. 2002. The restorative effect of naps on perceptual deterioration.Nature Neuroscience. 5 (7): 677-681.
Friday, February 01, 2008
Improve Reading Efficiency and Comprehension

Reading To Remember
○ Make eye contact with all the text not being deliberately skimmed
○ See multiple words in each eye fixation
○ Strive to expand the width of each eye fixation (on an 8.5" width, strive
for three fixations or less per line)
○ Snap eyes from one fixation point to another (horizontal snaps on long
lines, vertical snap if whole line can be seen with one fixation)
○ Get formal training from a reading center if needed
○ Know what you are looking for. Identify the material that satisfies the purpose for which you are reading.
○ Skim the reading material first
- primes the memory
- orients the thinking
- think about the headings: they identify what can be skimmed rapidly, what needs more thoughtful reading
○ Read with a purpose.
○ THINK about what you read. The more you think about it, the more you will remember. Ask yourself questions about what you read, as you are reading and afterward.
- Is it satisfying your purpose?
- How does it relate to what you already know? ... and need to know?
- What is not said that should be?
- What is said that you think is wrong or needs elaboration?
- What do you not understand?
- What needs special effort to remember?
- How can you use this understanding and information?
○ Pause and rehearse (after every minute or so, for example)
○ For each new reading segment, ask “How does this build on what I just read?”
○ Reading sessions should be limited (15 to 30 minutes)
○ At the session end, rehearse what you learned - right away, without distractions. Answer again the questions mentioned above.
○ Think about and rehearse what you read at least twice later that day.
○ Rehearse again at least once for the next 2-3 days.